News in Israel


Israel has always been in the news! Ever since I was a child, I remember hearing about troubles in this country. This week is no different than the previous one, nor is it any different than what happened ten, fifteen or twenty years ago.

Rockets hit the south of the country, thrown from the Gaza strip. Unfortunate for the people that live here, this chaos doesn’t seem to end. The politicians are doing nothing about it; they just talk with no success. Foreign diplomats and officials come for visits, everyone shakes hands and goes back to their regular activities. It has been like this for many years. Is peace close? This is a million dollar question!

If you are interested in reading about what is happening in Israel, there is a good website in English that will give you up to date news on the situation here. The website is (Jerusalem Post.)

No different than ~となんら変わりはない(違いはない)
With no success 失敗に終わって
Million dollar question 正解すれば100万ドルの賞金がもらえるほど難しい質問

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