Childhood Dream Jobs & Now


What was your dream job (occupation) as a child? Had it come true? Are you doing something that is related to what you have always wanted to be?

My dream job as a child was to be a herpetologist (a scientist who studies reptiles and amphibians.) I loved wild animals of all kinds, but especially reptiles.

In the summers, I would catch turtles, lizards, and snakes and bring them home. Sometimes I would keep the turtles and lizards as pets for a while, and then release them into the wild before the weather turned cold in the autumn. But my parents would never let me keep the snakes!

My vision for adult life changed many, many times as I was growing up. In high school, my two favorite subjects were literature and biology. In winter, I would spend most of my time reading, and I was sure that I wanted to be a writer. But every springtime, I would start spending as much time as I could outdoors, learning about plants and animals.

When I went off to college, I decided to concentrate in the humanities. I sometimes wonder how my life would be different if I had pursued my interest in biology instead.

I still love wild animals, though. Here’s a photograph of a recent visitor to my patio. Do you know what kind of animal it is? It may look like a rat, but it's not. Here's a hint: it's related to the kangaroo.

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